If someone asked me to choose one thing in the world that I like to do more than anything it would be traveling. Most of the time, I travel alone, but I am not always alone. Sometimes I am hardly ever alone. Spending time with locals is a gift that gives you a close and personal view of the culture. Living with locals gives you an opportunity to be a part of a family. Meeting other travelers can give you lifelong friendships that develop over very short periods of time. This blog serves to share advice to other dreamers and travelers, particularly to women heading out to a faraway place for the first time. The one thing I can say to all of you is: get out there, wander the earth and wonder what the next turn in the road brings. An adventure awaits you.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Where am I?

Today I am going to share some photos from a beautiful place I visited a few years ago. Check them out and see if you can guess where I was. I'll give you some clues: it's not Latin America (big surprise, I know); and it's not New England.

Clue: this is the Atlantic Ocean.

Another clue: it's an island.
Last clue: to get there, you must take a ferry (although, obviously
none of these boats are ferries. The ferry is much, much bigger).
That's it for clues, people. Now see if you can figure it out and post your guesses in the comments below. I know some of you have had trouble posting comments on this blog page. I have no idea why, but I am sorry about that. Please try again. Even if it's anonymously. Come on, just do it!

Oh, and friends reading this who know where I was on this trip are not allowed to guess. That would be cheating.

I'll tell you the answer later.

And the answer is ...
Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, Canada!
Grand Manan is a lovely little island and a great place for a peaceful and quiet vacation. 
If you want to know more, check out this link.  Or if you're thinking of visiting, see the information here
      So grab your loonies and toonies and go have some fun, eh.   


  1. You are too clever, Harvard. But can you guess specifically where in Canada?

  2. Close again, but no. :) Thank you for guessing, though. Answer revealed soon.

  3. Replies
    1. If you mean St. John, New Brunswick, you've made the closest guess so far! Reread the clues by the photos and you might get it.
