If someone asked me to choose one thing in the world that I like to do more than anything it would be traveling. Most of the time, I travel alone, but I am not always alone. Sometimes I am hardly ever alone. Spending time with locals is a gift that gives you a close and personal view of the culture. Living with locals gives you an opportunity to be a part of a family. Meeting other travelers can give you lifelong friendships that develop over very short periods of time. This blog serves to share advice to other dreamers and travelers, particularly to women heading out to a faraway place for the first time. The one thing I can say to all of you is: get out there, wander the earth and wonder what the next turn in the road brings. An adventure awaits you.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Picture this.

I love to take photos. Always have. I mentioned my photo fever in this blog post. I am still aware that not everyone is this way, and I respect that. Some people say the memories are enough. Some know they will never print any, so why bother. Some never remember their camera. And others just don't like taking pictures. I am, as I stated before, a little overzealous with the camera.

I know professional photographers. My friend, Jen Uhrhane, has awesome photos of her travels that people buy (including me!) and galleries exhibit. You can see her travel inspiring work here. Another friend, Sarah Greene Reed, is also a fabulous photography artist whose work is a delicious drink for the eyes. Check it out here. And my mother was a professional photographer with her own studio when I was a teenager. I do not have the mad skills these three do. I am a simple point-and-shoot camera kinda gal. But I think that works just fine for me.

I will share a few I have taken in Latin America.

Xela (Quetzaltenango), Guatemala

Lake Atitlán, Guatemala

San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Enjoy your own pictures, even if they're just your memories!