If someone asked me to choose one thing in the world that I like to do more than anything it would be traveling. Most of the time, I travel alone, but I am not always alone. Sometimes I am hardly ever alone. Spending time with locals is a gift that gives you a close and personal view of the culture. Living with locals gives you an opportunity to be a part of a family. Meeting other travelers can give you lifelong friendships that develop over very short periods of time. This blog serves to share advice to other dreamers and travelers, particularly to women heading out to a faraway place for the first time. The one thing I can say to all of you is: get out there, wander the earth and wonder what the next turn in the road brings. An adventure awaits you.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Look forward to spring.

So long summer.

Yes, it’s true. Summer is over. Fall has set in, and soon the leaves will turn and blow away, the grass will go dormant and brown, and cold air will chill our bones. Let’s not even discuss snow. I have only recently returned to the north and I am not ready to talk about it. I'm holding on to summer for as long as I possibly can. I know many people love autumn: the colors, the pumpkins, the cooler temperatures. I would, but it's just a doorway to winter so I don't enjoy it as much as I should. I can't quite let go. Hey, only about five and a half months until MLB spring training starts! Woo hoo! 

See?  Can't let go. 

Cheers to you, summertime. And cheers to the products of your perfect days.

Just remember, it is always summer somewhere. If you really need a flower fix, some sunnier, less slushy weather, some reminder that spring will come again, take a trip to warmer climes! Plan a trip during the upcoming cold season and look forward to an early summer. Bathe in the sun. Warm your toes in the sand. Sweat your butt off on a hike in the rainforest. Heck, you may want to escape to different snow so you can swish-swish-swish down the side of a mountain. Whatever warms your heart during a long winter, take advantage of what the rest of the world has to offer. Or, if you're like me this winter, just remember to layer! And before you know it, those flowers will be blooming again. 

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